Investigator summary
- Name: Stella Clark
- Faction: Survivor
- Text: After you fail a skill test: You may take an additional action during your turn this round. (Limit once per round.)
effect: +1. You may instead choose to automatically fail this skill test to heal 1 damage and 1 horror.
- Occurrence: Present in 215 out of 15332 decks analysed (1%)
- Popularity: Ranked 36 out of 60 investigators analysed (percentile 40%)
Average 0 xp deck (size: 30)
- 2x Rabbit's Foot
- 2x Old Keyring
- 2x .18 Derringer
- 2x Track Shoes
- 2x Granny Orne
- 2x Drawing Thin
- 2x Peter Sylvestre
- 2x Fire Axe
- 2x Live and Learn
- 2x "Look what I found!"
- 2x Lucky!
- 2x Grit Your Teeth
- 2x Winging It
- 2x A Test of Will
- 2x Take Heart